Friday, August 03, 2007

Our visit with family

We had a wonderful visit with family before taking Amanda to the airport. Jim, Beth and Andy are as always the most gracious of hosts. We had a very nice meal and visit with Grammie and Poppie. It is good to hear that Jim's surgery went well. Our home is quiet....but how happy we are for Matt, Jon and Amanda that they have rewarding lives. We had a 3 minute phone call from Amanda,Thursday 1:20am, 11:00am her time, she was in New Delhi, said the flight was really long, they landed in a scary thunderstorm, and the hotel was not as nice as Das Dutch Village Inn. She sounded happy and said the group of students was getting along really well.
Keep putting up photos Mary, etc. we love seeing them.


hellerbeller said...

so good to see pictures of Amanda and all of you. Hope Amanda isn't affected by the flooding in India. Keep us posted. We were talking today about whether you can talk on cell phones from India. When Floyd was in Ecuador, he couldn't make a call but he and Mary could text each other!

RedBarns said...

We have no idea if her cell phone will work. We have not heard from her either!! Hopefully she will have an email address soon, and will email us. She took her phone hoping we could buy minutes for it. It is monsoon season. so they are supposed to be prepared for lots of rain until the end of Sept I think. They are at 7000 ft. So will they have flooding.. not sure?